Advanced Male Hormone Test

What is the Advanced Male Hormone test?

Testosterone is a crucial hormone for male health impacting muscle mass, energy levels, and sexual function. Total testosterone measures the total amount of testosterone in the bloodstream, while free testosterone measures the portion of testosterone that is available for the body to use. SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) binds to testosterone limiting its availability to the body. The Free androgen index is a ratio that indicates the level of available testosterone compared to total testosterone levels. Monitoring these hormones provides important information about testosterone status and helps identify potential hormonal imbalances. Albumin is measured to enable calculations of Free Testosterone and Free Androgen Index.


What biomarkers are measured in this test?

  • Albumin
  • Sex Hormone-binding Globulin (SHBG)
  • Free Testosterone
  • Free Androgen Index (FAI)
  • Testosterone

Who should take this test?

This test is recommended for men who have symptoms of testosterone deficiency such as decreased energy levels, sexual function, or muscle mass. It can also be beneficial for men who have a family history of hormonal imbalances or are experiencing symptoms of ageing, like decreased bone density or mood changes. Additionally men who are considering hormone therapy or have received a previous diagnosis of testosterone deficiency may find this test useful.


Is there anything I need to know before taking this test? 

If currently taking hormonal medications it is important to discuss this test with a doctor before taking it. Hormonal medications can impact test results and may require adjustments or temporary discontinuation before testing. Take this test within 2 hours of waking, but there is no need to fast.

You must be at least 18 years old to use our testing services.


How often should I take this test?

Monitoring testosterone levels on a regular basis provides important information about overall health and can help identify potential hormonal imbalances early on. Annual testing can help track changes in testosterone levels over time and inform discussions with a doctor about appropriate preventive or treatment options.


What could results out of range (abnormal) mean?

Low levels of testosterone and/or high levels of SHBG can indicate testosterone deficiency. Abnormal test results may also suggest an underlying medical condition affecting testosterone production. It is important to discuss these results with a doctor to determine the cause of hormonal imbalances and to explore appropriate treatment options.


What could results in range (normal) mean? 


Normal test results can indicate healthy levels of testosterone, SHBG, albumin, as well as a normal Free Androgen Index. It is still important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet to support overall health. If symptoms persist or new symptoms arise, it is important to discuss with a doctor.



How can I improve my results?

Lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, weight management, and stress reduction can help improve hormonal balance and support testosterone production. In addition, a balanced diet that includes enough protein and healthy fats can also help maintain healthy levels of testosterone. It is important to discuss specific recommendations with a doctor.


What other tests could I consider?


Patients who are lethargic may also consider the Thyroid, Vitamin D and Diabetes tests.


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