Testosterone Test


What is the Testosterone test?

Testosterone plays a vital role in a variety of physical and mental processes in both men and women. In men, it is responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics, such as a deeper voice and facial hair. It also helps maintain muscle mass and bone density, and regulates sperm production. In women, testosterone helps regulate bone density, mood, and sexual function. Maintaining healthy levels of testosterone is crucial for overall health and well-being.


What biomarkers are measured in this test? 

  • Total Testosterone 

Who should take this test? 

This test is recommended for men who are experiencing symptoms of testosterone deficiency, such as low sex drive or erectile dysfunction. It is also recommended for men who have a family history of testosterone deficiency or who have had a pituitary gland or testicular injury. Women who are experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalances, such as mood swings or decreased sex drive, may also find this test useful.


Is there anything I need to know before taking this test? 


Speak to a doctor before taking this test if you are taking any medication or have any medical problems. Particularly if you are taking biotin supplements, anticonvulsants, anabolic steroids, hormonal therapy, or if you touch hormone-containing products.

You must be at least 18 years old to use our testing services.


How often should I take this test? 

It is recommended to repeat testosterone tests annually to stay informed about your hormone levels and overall health. This can also help track any changes and monitor the effectiveness of any treatment options. Regular testing can also serve as motivation to maintain healthy habits and catch any potential health issues early on.


What could results out of range (abnormal) mean? 

Low levels of testosterone could be due to a variety of underlying health conditions. It is important to discuss these results with a doctor to determine the cause and potential treatment options.


What could results in range (normal) mean? 

Normal levels of testosterone can be a sign of overall good health. However it is important to remember that good test results do not necessarily guarantee that all is well and it is still important to maintain healthy habits and regularly check in with a doctor. A doctor can help determine if there are any underlying health conditions and offer advice on further investigations and treatment.


How can I improve my results? 

There are a variety of lifestyle changes that can help improve testosterone levels including maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. Discussing any concerns or questions with a doctor can also help improve testosterone levels, as they may be able to offer medical treatment options if necessary.


What other tests could I consider?

If you are feeling tired you may wish to take our Vitamin D, Thyroid or Diabetes tests.


To purchase this test, please click here.